an inspiring and

nurturing education

White water rafting

Cardiff Steiner School is a non-selective, independent school in Cardiff for ages 3 to 18. We offer an inspiring and nurturing education based on the needs of the ‘whole child’. The international Steiner curriculum offers a rich, rounded education, balancing cognitive and emotional intelligence with physical activity, with each subject integrating academic work with fine and practical arts. We’re a small school by design – our students are immersed in experiential learning, surrounded by a warm community, inspiring them to embrace school and become lifelong learners.

Steiner Waldorf Education meeting the future…

Greening the Garden - Our fabulous Garden Group have been in action over the Easter break making great progress on greening the… more
Kindergarten Spring Festival - Our Kindergarten Spring Festival is a magical day where children, parents and teachers come together and build a… more
Newtonian Mechanics in Action - Class 10/11 have been investigating Newtonian Mechanics. In science we flip the ‘teach then show’ model by allowing… more
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