A Day in the Classroom
Events, Frontpage Article, News25 parents, teachers, grandparents and friends joined us for ' A Day in the Classroom' in March - an immersive, hands-on experience of Steiner education.

A Day in the Classroom – Sat 18 March
Events, Frontpage Article, NewsAn immersive, hands-on experience of Steiner education. Sat 18 March 9.00am to 4.00pm.

Michaelmas Festival
Events, Festivals, Inside the Classes, Inside the KindergartenMichaelmas is the first festival of our school year

Talk ‘Coming To Our Senses’ with Pia Poulsen
Community News, Events
Talk for teachers, parents, therapists & anyone interested in children’s growth, development and happiness in our modern world.
Join Sensory Integration Therapist, Pia Polusen, as she explores why Sensory Integration is…