Parent Engagement

Parent / Teacher Meetings
The regular meetings of the teachers and parents are the heart of the home-school collaboration in Steiner Education. These offer invaluable opportunities for the parents and teachers to meet and discuss aspects of Steiner Education, and help you to support the work that is done in the School.
Group Parents Evenings
Kindergarten Parents Evenings will often have a specific topic to explore, usually in small lectures by the Teacher (Creative Discipline, The Importance of Play etc.), and usually include a practical task that the parents and teachers can enjoy together. This lets parents experience what their children do in Kindergarten – painting, making toys, learning a new skill or helping prepare for a special event – e.g. painting eggs for our Spring Festival. Class Parents Evenings look at the curriculum content and other information relevant to the Class.
Parents Evenings are also a chance to get together, away from the hustle and bustle of drop off, and take time to chat, ask questions, and share experiences from home and school. Group Parents Evenings generally take place each term.
Parent / Teacher One to Ones
Parents are welcome to speak to their child’s teacher throughout the year. In addition once a year in the Classes, and twice a year in Kindergarten, parents have the opportunity for a scheduled one to one talk with their child’s teacher to find out how they are getting on. This is a chance to exchange information about practical things, discuss how the children are doing at home and school, and look at their handwork, paintings, drawings and workbooks.
Parent Talks
Our ‘Learning to Love Learning’ talks are is for parents interested in learning more about their child’s education. Speakers include Cardiff Steiner School faculty and guest speakers – experienced Steiner Waldorf teachers and advisors. Both bring a wealth of practical experience from the Steiner classroom to offer a fascinating insight into this unique education approach.
Talks usually last about an hour, followed by time for questions, tea/coffee and an informal chat.
There is no entry charge, though donations to cover expenses are welcomed.
Work Days & Cleaning
Every family takes turns to give the School its weekly clean during term time, and once a year our Big Spring Clean gives the School that extra sparkle in time for our Spring Open Day.
Our twice yearly Work Days are essential for keeping the School the happy and safe place it is for our children. Just like the ‘Elves and the Shoemaker’, the children (and teachers) are always amazed and overjoyed at the transformation when they come in the next day.
Our parents and friends come together and tackle a range of jobs from clearing gutters and tidying the garden, to painting, fixing and cleaning windows. Parents bring food and share lunch together, as they work towards a common goal for the day.
It’s rewarding stuff…good fun, good people, good food, good work. Some jobs need basic housework/DIY skills only, others require the talent & tools for the job. Enthusiasm is the main thing and materials and training are given on the day.
At least one member of each School family is expected to attend, and we welcome any help from our other families and friends (but ask you leave the children elsewhere, we get on with much more that way).
Working Groups
Working Groups are made up of parents, teachers and friends of the School. They work on specific areas to help with the running and development of our School, and report directly to the Trustees. We currently have the following Working Groups:
- Fair Working Group
- Garden Working Group
- Building Working Group
For more information just contact us.