Class 5/6 History: The Migration Period and Viking Age
Inside the ClassesClass 5/6 have immersed themselves in their current History Main Lesson Block - ‘The Migration Period and Viking Age’ in the period 476-1066 CE, following the collapse of the Roman Empire in Britain.
They started by re-writing Beowulf…
Shelter and Housebuilding in Class 3&4
Inside the ClassesJuly 2013
The eight to ten year olds in Class 3&4 hugely enjoyed their shelter and housebulding block in the summer term.
They started with exploring the amazing variety of homes through time and around the world. Beginning with archetypes…
Literacy & Numeracy in Class 1&2
Inside the Classes07 June 2013
Class 1&2 Teacher, Mr Sulodia, looks back over what the children have been doing during 'Main Lesson' this first year.
The first classes, at age 6/7, are the beginning of formal schooling in Steiner Education - a stage…
Introducing Maths to Our Younger Children
Inside the Classes13 January 2013
Whereas reading and writing is introduced relatively slowly compared to mainstream education, Steiner Education teaches maths more quickly and more deeply.
The children, in the early classes, develop a proficiency of…