A New Home

We have a new home! It is a great pleasure that we can now let you know that we will be making a new home for the Kindergarten in St Anne’s school in Crofts St, Roath. The lovely small school will make an ideal setting for our current Kindergartens (and the start of a Steiner School for 7 year olds up next year).

Parent and Toddler groups will start there from next Monday 5th Sep and run 10.00-12.00 Mon, Weds, Thurs and 1.15-3.15pm Tues (these replace our Iron St groups). Kindergarten will move over in the next 3-4 weeks.

We are so excited for the children about the extra time and space outside that they are going to gobble up with gusto. Once we are resident, all the children will begin the day outside with a good play to start the day. We’ll have the flexibility to spend more of the kindergarten morning outside, even the whole morning when the mood and weather takes us. Run boys and girls, run, climb and swing.

The teachers visited the school yesterday, it had been emptied of the primary school’s equipment and furniture and the empty space looked simply beautiful, bathed in sunlight and waiting quietly for the next part of its life. Parents will coming in this week to start painting, prepping, cleaning and gardening to get the space up and running asap.

We plan to say our goodbyes to Iron Street, which has been our home for 7 years, in a gentle way. When the time comes we are wanting to pack the toys in trolleys and ask the children to carry their work baskets as with ceremony we close the door of Iron Street, walk to our new home and unlock the door together for the first time. 🙂


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