Garden Group ‘Spring’ into Action
4 March 2024
They also planted a Hazel tree at the front of the School and a brown Turkey Fig in a planter. And of course… lots of weeding, sweeping, scratching and bulb planting in pots (until they can be rehomed in the new planter when it’s built).
Current projects are tree planting: constructing, lining, filling and planting a final large wooden planter at the front of the School and fixing the Kindergarten fence.
Steiner education strives for a supportive community with a strong family ethos. Students, staff and parents get to know each other and work together to create a supportive and caring community where everyone has a strong commitment to the School’s values.
Part of the Steiner ethos worldwide is that it is a positive thing for families to be involved with the community that holds their children’s education in its hands.
“It’s a privilege to be involved closely with your child’s education, for them to feel that this isn’t just somewhere where you leave them but is somewhere that you are all connected to and have a presence.”
~Parent, Cardiff Steiner School
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