Newtonian Mechanics in Action
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, News, Upper SchoolClass 10/11 have been investigating Newtonian Mechanics. In science we flip the ‘teach then show’ model by allowing students to first experience a phenomenon with deep curiosity, hypothesise potential answers and then test their educated guesses through experiment

Garden Group ‘Spring’ into Action
Community News, Garden, NewsOur Garden Group are 'Spring'-ing back into action and have been busy filling the new planters at the front of the School. They are back in this weekend to make a final planter and prepare for planting a Jefferson Plum, English Oak, and Scarlet Hawthorn trees.

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus – Happy St David’s Day
Events, Festivals, Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, Lowers School, NewsDydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus - Happy St David's Day from Cardiff Steiner School.

Bringing Roman Art Alive
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, NewsTy Afon have been learning about Roman mosaics as part of their Roman History studies this year

Ty Enfys (Class 10/11) Restart-a-Heart
Events, Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, News, Upper SchoolOur Upper School students have been receiving hands-on, cardio pulmonary resuscitation training (CPR) empowering them to save lives